Wednesday, February 4, 2015

the middle of Oz

I will admit that I was naive to think that Maddy's journey through autism was over. I honestly can tell you that I thought we were done. These past four months has taught me that her "autism story" is not over.

That many times when we/she is faced with new challenges, the reality is that it won't ever be truly over. Not as much as I would hope it would be.

It made me realize, we are just starting a new chapter in it. It is a journey and not necessarily a destination. This new chapter of her life is just that - new. And like most new things, we are scared of it. Resistant to change. 

We are deep in the investigative part of the story. A new plot twist has arose and now we must use our detective skills to figure out how best to help the heroin conquer her foe. 

This time it will take us to the neurologist. (Cue in ~the infamous Wizard of Oz ~ and Mayo being the Emerald City). This "Wizard of Oz" travels there is a plus. Because going to a pediatric neurologist is kind of scary like going to see the Wiz. Exciting and yet terrifying. All the things you may find out. All the new questions you may discover. All the unknowns.

And like Oz...there is so much build up to see one guy. Waiting lists, medical forms, anticipation. But he is just one guy. And I need to stop raising the bar of expectation. Not to sound negative but to be real. 

I always get nervous taking Maddy to someone new. The autism world is tricky and there are SO many views on treating autism because the spectrum is SO VAST. The trick is to find one who agrees with your method of thought and your child...because there are an infamous variety - from avoiding GMOs to music to dolphins to hugging to ABA...they are all over the board.  

So on Friday we are off to the see the neurologist (cue in: "We're Off To See the Wizard") in hopes of some new perspective of the brain of Maddy. Prayers appreciated. Updates will follow.

We have faith that this middle of the story will be full of the Lord's powerful work just as much as the beginning was.

"But the Lord stood at my side and He gave me strength" 2 Timothy 4:17a

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